4 Responses

  1. 1winedude - November 20, 2010

    Loved this, and loved your surprise cameo at the end.
    It gives muppets a bad name with the WSWA and Craig Wolf comparison, though :).

  2. Howie at Sky Pulse Media - November 20, 2010

    3 tiered system is bullshit. I spent 17 years in LA where all the alcohols were available everywhere. All sorts of stores and channels. I am in NY now. Alcohol costs a ton more and there is less places to get it because of the 3 tiered system. And the biggest BS is the small independents claiming when supermarkets and drug stores sell wine or spirits they will be out of business. Tell that to the 7.8 billion independents in California! Things are plenty fine there. Since the Wholesalers just drive up costs vs bringing value to the supply chain they should have their monopoly ended.

  3. David Topper - November 22, 2010

    When the wine industry at large stops being it’s own enemy, we’ll see an end to prohibitive wholesale.
    What I mean by that; Every winery must pay for proper shipping licenses/permits and must pay the various state sales taxes or we (the wine industry) will bear the burden for those that continue to break the law and ship wine illegally.
    Wineries: Do the right thing, be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Support this valiant effort to break these terribly outdated controls. Be law abiding and be in compliance. This act of compliance will eventually break the back of wholesale regulation.
    With great systems out there like ShipCompliance, Inertia, and others available, there are no excuses to remain part of the problem.
    Yes, this can be expensive for a small winery but the upside is significantly greater.

  4. Rolex Jewelry - December 14, 2010

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