Archive for the ‘Shipping Wine’ Category

Jun 16, 2020

What Wine Do You Pair With Word Salad?

I assume everyone has read the important new “Essay” produced by the Center for Alcohol Policy entitled “Crisis De-regulations: Should They Stay or Should They Go?” .…LOL….Sorry. That was a joke. Of course you haven’t read it. No one reads the reports produced by this wholesaler funded organization. Why? Because they are a collection of amateurishly researched and written word salads meant to sound authoritative but are really produced to exclusively benefit the bottom line of wholesalers at the expense…

May 11, 2020

The Supreme Court is for Sissies

A funny thing happened on the way to federal courts. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decided to ignore the Supreme Court exists. At least, this seems to be the opinion of long-time beverage alcohol attorney and court watcher Marc Sorini, who recently wrote an analysis of the Lebamoff v Whitmer case in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals which overturned a decision of a lower court and allowed Michigan’s discriminatory retailer wine shipping ban to stand. As you may…

Apr 10, 2020

Health, Safety, Cynicism and Alcohol in a Post COVID-19 World

“Public health and safety”.  It is the new mantra that wine and spirit wholesalers around the country are whispering into the ears of lawmakers, judges, the media and alcohol regulators. Not too many years ago, you didn’t hear wholesalers beat the drum of “health and safety” as they opposed efforts to reform a decades-old distribution system that was creaking and ossified but built to keep those alcohol wholesalers in control of just about everything. Today, “health and safety” all you…

Apr 9, 2020

Observing the Whine of the American Alcohol Wholesaler In Their Natural Environment

So, America’s wine and spirits wholesalers have “concerns” that Kentuckians may now receive shipments of wine and spirits from out-of-state wineries and distilleries. I’m shocked. Who would have guessed that the nation’s middlemen box carriers opposed consumers getting their alcohol from any source other than them? The source of the middlemen’s concern is Kentucky House Bill 415, recently enacted into law. Their primary concerns is that the bill “failed to include the regulatory safeguards necessary to identify and crack down…

Apr 8, 2020

Let’s Give the Post Office a Drink — NOW

The postal service needs serious reform and alcohol needs to be a part of that reform. The number and diversity of industries that have been hurt, devastated, impacted, etc by the social shutdown that has accompanied the arrival of the COVID-19 virus is hard to factor. They seem innumerable. Now we learn that the U.S. Postal service is, as a result of COVID-19, in jeopardy of folding. According to Carolyn B. Maloney, the chair of the Committee on Oversight and…