Author Archive

Oct 11, 2021

The New Shiny Dull Object is Right Wing Wine

Why does it seem it’s always the most uninteresting wine that provokes the most controversy in the wine industry? Earlier in the year, a big old kerfuffle surrounded the introduction of the Avaline brand from actress Cameron Diaz and the description of the product as “clean wine”. The wine itself is decidedly average. The Kurfuffle over what the hell “clean” means was bigger than your average kerfuffle and still vexes those of us who think words describing wine ought to…

Oct 7, 2021

Retailer Wine Shipping Has NO RELATIONSHIP TO the Three-Tier System

Tomorrow the United States Supreme Court is scheduled to meet in conference and consider a petition that the Court hear a retailer wine shipping case out of Missouri and the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. The case is a familiar one. Missouri allows its own wine retailers to ship to Missouri residents but bans out-of-state retailers from doing the same. While not impossible, it is unlikely the Court will take the case. Yet because the implications of the Court agreeing…

Oct 7, 2021

Now They Say Booze Won’t Kill You….So What?

Vice seems an irresistible topic for scientific inquiry. I’ve yet to see a double-blind study that looks at the gambling success of johns who drink and smoke after recently engaging a prostitute. But I’m sure it’s out there. However, I have seen a good number of scientific studies that look at the impact of alcohol consumption on the human body. The most recent study concludes that a previous study was wrong about the level of alcohol consumption that is safe….

Sep 30, 2021

Alabama Wine Regulators Were Taken Over By Special Interests

Not long ago I wrote about the corrupt circumstances of “Regulatory Capture”. In that article, Regulatory Capture was described this way: “Regulatory capture is an economic theory that says regulatory agencies may come to be dominated by the industries or interests they are charged with regulating. The result is that an agency, charged with acting in the public interest, instead acts in ways that benefit incumbent firms in the industry it is supposed to be regulating.” It’s never difficult to…

Sep 27, 2021

The Non-Existent Problem of Gatekeeping Around Wine

Who doesn’t love Tik Tok? Just visualizing the slow movement of a second hand across a clock face brings a swell of delight to our hearts. Now add lipsyncing into the mix or short vids of dogs sleeping with cats and you can understand why this new video creation and sharing platform is all the rage. And so I was excited to see the article in the Wine Enthusiast touting the Tik Tok Creators who were bringing “Barrier Free Joy…