Oscar Predictions & the Wine Kitty

The Oscars and Wine are have a long history in our home of being paired together. This will be the 8th year will celebrate the Oscars with friends and wine.

It’s pretty simple. Everyone brings a bottle for the "Wine Kitty" We each have a ballot. Whoever guesses the most winners correctly takes home all the wine. The winner usually takes home a couple cases.

Of course this year is a bit different with SIDEWAYS in the running. Different for wine folk, at least. It would be remarkable for the wine industry if SIDEWAYS won for Best Picture. But, it won’t.

My Oscar Predictions:

Best Picture: Million Dollar Baby
Best Director: Martin Scorsese
Best Actor: Jaime Foxx
Best Actress: Hillary Swank

SIDEWAYS Predictions:
Will Win: Best Supporting Actress (Viginia Madsen)
Will Win: Best Adapted Screen Play.

Posted In: Personal


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