Exposing Tina—The Wine Broad

You almost get the impression that the folks over at the venerable Wines & Vines trade magazine need to add more pages to their publication so that their editors have more to do.

Tina Caputo, Managing Editor, is now into her fourth month of blogging at a blog she entitles:


Wines & Vines editor Jim Gorden is also maintaining a wine blog on behalf of Wine Enthusiast magazine.

But it turns out that for Tina it’s not a matter of having time on her hands (she writes for other publications as well as being Managing Editor for W&V), but rather a desire of hers to speak to her wine experiences that simply aren’t real appropriate for a trade magazine:

"I was told that our magazine would no
longer publish wine reviews. (It’s a trade magazine, so tasting notes
aren’t really our thang.) But I believe in having frequent and direct
contact with the product we cover, and in giving feedback to the
industry (and anyone else who cares to read). With that goal in mind, I
decided to create an independent forum where I can review wines,
interact with other ‘net junkies and write about anything else that
falls outside the realm of my regular wine writing/editing duties.
Which, as it turns out, is quite a lot."

Tina has a very quick wit and knows the underbelly of the wine industry. She’s been around it for a very long time. Tina is also a very good writer. How can you not appreciate a writer who is capable of nailing perfectly the description of a particular wine in three simple words: "Pink Liquid Crack".

The Wine Broad is an eclectic read. It includes wine reviews, info on products for wine geeks, reflections on the industry (No, Tina, it’s not just at wine conventions where some folk think chucking their marriage for a one night stand doesn’t "count") and downright funny stuff—Tina got one prominent wine blogger and winemaker to wear a tee shirt reading, "Robert Parker’s Bitch".

So there it is. I’m forced to add another great blog to my Bloglines reader.

Posted In: Wine Blogs


3 Responses

  1. Tina - August 16, 2007

    Cheers, Tom. The Wine Broad is blushing!

  2. el jefe - August 20, 2007

    I’ll be the Wine Broad’s Bitch any day (metaphorically speaking, of course!) A great blog!

  3. buntmarker - August 27, 2007

    don’t all winemakers already wear the “robert parker’s bitch” t shirt under their logo fleece vests? and as for the one night stand thing- sour grapes? people in the overpriced drug pushing biz really don’t have the moral high ground on ethical issues don’t throw stones or you might break some of your precious bottles

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