Most Intriguing New Wine Blogs of 2008

I read LOTS of wine blogs and I'm always on the lookout for the next new one that will educate me, entertain me or inspire me. There were a number of such blogs launched in 2008. Here is my list of

(in no particular order)

1. Hosemaster of Wine
Ron Washam's wine blog is smart, irreverent, funny and thoughtful. The man writes very well and if you take a look at this blog he does it all a little bit differently.

2. Steve Heimoff.Com

Consider it "Mainstream Wine Writing Unleashed." Heimoff is clearly in his element in the blogosphere where he has room to expand and indulge beyond the grasp of an editor. He says what he thinks and brings considerable perspective to the wine blog world.

3. Michel-Sclumberger's Benchland Blog

This is one of two winery-based wine blogs in my top 5. Writing a compelling winery-based wine blog is more difficult in my view. It is somewhat limiting. But Judd Wallenbrock and Co. over at Michel-Schlumberger have kept the Benchland blog entertaining, thoughtful, regularly updated and managed to promote their own interests without boring anyone.

4. Rational Denial

It's thought provoking with a bent toward debunking myths and entertaining its readers and fast becoming one of my favorite wine blogs on the net.

5. Wilma's Wine World

It's not because Kim (Wilma) Stare-Wallace is such a nice and authentic person that she gets on this list. It's because her blog, representing Dry Creek Vineyards, does exactly what I've always advised wineries who buy my time to advise them should do: it draws the curtains back on what it's like to be in the wine business without much filter, with a veil of humor and with honestly. It's just a great read.

Posted In: Wine Blogs


14 Responses

  1. Pablo Lastorta - December 11, 2008

    Nice find! They are truly good reads. Have you come across any “Importers” blogging? I think I’m one of the few, but I can’t seem to find any.
    Entering the blogosphere is pretty intense! Almost addictive! I started a couple weeks ago and can’t seem to close my Google Reader.
    By the way, I enjoy reading your perspective on the Wine Biz! In some aspects it helped me look at certain issues affecting the Wine industry in a different light. Very authentic and logical! Keep it going.

  2. Mike Duffy - December 11, 2008

    Tom: HoseMaster was a new one for me, but I heartily agree with the rest of your choices, especially Wilma and Benchland since they are winery blogs (your readers can see for a complete list of winery blogs).
    There’s so much to read out there! I presume you use an RSS reader (which one?).
    Thanks for calling attention where it’s due.

  3. Dale Cruse - December 11, 2008

    Good list. I also like and and Though not actually a blog, is the new website that has had the most effect on what I’m drinking and who I’m able to share it with.

  4. Jo Diaz - December 11, 2008

    It’s great that Steve’s blogging, and giving us so many of his interesting points of view. He’s a great writer, and we’re all blessed to have him in the blogosphere with us. He’s become as passionate as we all are… pouring out our guts and glory! Good job, Tom.

  5. Ron Washam, HMW - December 11, 2008

    Gosh, Tom, thanks! I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but I do have a point of view. I’d second the brilliant writing at Nice job on selecting the new intriguing blogs–you got four out of five right! The first one is garbage.
    All of us who blog owe you a great deal. You promote us when you don’t have to. I, for one, very much appreciate it. Happy Holidays, Tom!

  6. KenPayton - December 11, 2008


  7. tish - December 12, 2008

    Will definitely check out Hosemaster, Ron. And I totally agree re gonzogastro. Her blog features evocative posts (one common food/drink myths stuck with me for days), nifty use of song lyrics, and a pleasant blend of confidence, sincerity and expertise that comes from experience and simply paying attention to details. Plus, she fears no one!

  8. Dylan - December 12, 2008

    Thanks for the list, I’m always looking for new things to read, but just never know where to start looking. The problem is, if it can be called that, there are so many blogs available; just look at your own list “Wine Blogs You Need To Read.” Being new to the world of wine, I’m trying to absorb as much as I can, but it’s also important that I absorb this information from the proper sources due to limits of time. Suffice to say, two people can do two very different things with clay.
    Tom, do you actually read, daily, every one of the blogs on your list? If so, you’ve set the bar, and you’ve shown me it’s possible to take it all in. However, I understand if there are some key blogs you read, and you’re showing the love to others. It’s admirable either way. I’d be interested to know the amount you read per day.

  9. Tom Wark - December 12, 2008

    Real all of every new blog post every day? No. However, I do see which of the blogs on my list have updated since my last glance and I see the headline as well as a little of the first paragraph of most of the blogs on my RSS reader. Some of them I read in full if the headline or lead intrigues me.

  10. guilhaume - December 13, 2008 is the best wine blog….and he talks about you all the time!!

  11. guilhaume - December 13, 2008 is the best wine blog….and he talks about you all the time!!

  12. susannah gold - December 15, 2008

    Thanks for the interesting selections. Will add them to my growing wine blog roll.

  13. Doug - December 26, 2008

    For the most “sophisticated” website by a winery, check out
    His show biz background is certainly showing through on his website

  14. Wine Packaging - January 16, 2009

    Great stuff! Always good to get a different perspective!
    – Semie Lee
    Profesional Wine Packaging

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