Where to Talk Wine

Wine lovers talk and talk and talk and talk…about wine. There’s no problem with this unless you find yourself talking to someone whose appreciation of wine isn’t quite as deep as their appreciation of Diet Cola. The glazed look arrives on their face and you get labeled as a snob.

So, what you need are like minded lovers of wine who are always available to talk about oak aging, ratings, where to find wines, your latest acquisition or that wine country vacation you are planning.

The Internet is your friend.

There are some really great “Wine Forums” on the internet where wine geeks gather and talk about everything a wine lover could imagine would be a topic of conversation. I regularly monitor and participate in four that I think are stellar:

West Coast Wine Forum
A decided emphasis here on domestic wines, but one of the oldest and best wine forums out there.

Wine Lovers Page
Another long standing wine forum run by Robin Garr. Also well read, Wine Lovers Page has a more diverse range of topics (not so much emphasis on domestic wines)

Mark Squires Bulletin Board on E-Robertparker
A very active wine board that attracts many due to its semi-association with critic Robert Parker.

Wine Spectator Wine Forums
Another active site associated with the magazine. Lots of varied topics with lots of people.

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