I’d Have Chosen the Grace Family Cab
Tragic, but….
"The hollow boxes with blinking lights are worthless. But there is nothing phony about Barton Watson’s corporate wine cellar.
Harlan Estate Cabernet Sauvignon valued at $1,354 a bottle. Joseph Phelps Insignia Red worth $450. Grace Family Cabernet at $895….
In the hours before his suicide, Watson spoke of his fondness for expensive wine.
He called a Kent County Sheriff’s Department dispatcher to tell authorities he planned to shoot himself, then bragged about his assets, including the $700 bottle of La Tache, vintage 1997, he claimed to be drinking at the time.
During the lengthy 911 call, he lectured the dispatcher about what made a good wine and laughed at the man’s admission that a $12 bottle probably was the best he ever had."
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