One Day Cheap Wine Really Will Taste Cheap

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Why doesn’t EVERYONE in the business just use screwcaps and other alternative closures in order to prevent that unpleasant (unpalatable?) aroma that too often affects cork-finished wines? That’s what writer Michael Dresser wonders in his column today.

Earlier today I was sitting with a client who showed me a new closure for wine that is altogether different and will definitely never stink of cork taint. You’ll hear more about that in the future. But he had a good point.

"It’s not the snobs or wine geeks and their reaction to fake closures that keeps wineries stopping their wines with cork. These people love the idea of a guarantee their wines won’t be spoiled. It’s the casual wine drinker that associates screwcaps with "cheap wine" And these are the people buying most of the wine in the world."

It’s a good point. And it’s ironic.

You see, the casual wine drinker buys "Cheap" costing wine generally, yet if it has a cork in it at least the wine isn’t viewed as "cheap" wine. While the casual consumer wants to pay cheap prices, they don’t want to by "cheap wine". And screw caps equal "cheap wine".

So what’s the answer if we know that screw caps and other alternative closures are the only path to guaranteeing the integrity of what is put in the bottle?

Unfortunately the change in the views of the casual wine drinker will not happen over night. However, one day, as the wine industry keeps moving slowing to alternatives to cork, the casual wine drinker will wake up and find that the only inexpensive wine they can find with a cork in it will taste like "cheap wine."

Posted In: Wine Business


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