Being a regular wine blog browser, I can say with little hesitation that first impressions are important. And while that first post or first wine review sets a certain tone for the blog’s readers, it’s really the initial visual impact that draws the reader in.
So when in it comes to blogs, and that means wine blogs too, it is the current nature of the beast that this visual impact is most often centered on the blogs masthead, that strip along the top that works to keep our attention, perhaps convey an attitude, and, hopefully, draw the reader down into the blogmeat.
for Masthead Excellence
Best Use of whimsical Type: Lenndevours
Lenn steps outside the outrageously boring profile most wine bloggers are willing to depict in their blog’s masthead. The whimsy of his type treatment, however should not be taken as a metaphor for New York Wines
Best Masthead-Inducing "What is that?" Comment: Basic Juice
I’ve stared at Beau’s masthead for too long. It’s starting to look like something. But I just can’t put my finger on what’s in the background.
Best Use of Indecipherable Type to Deliver an Important Message: Huge Johnson’s World of Wine
Huge clearly comes from the school of thought that believes if something is worth reading then it’s worth working hard to get at it. His credo is worth reading. If you could only read it!
Best Homoenorotic Theme in a Masthead: Wine Rant
The naked midget Bacchus triplets on there way to yet another wine orgy. Really the perfect representation of wine bloggers.
Best Minimalist Approach to Masthead Creation: Shiraz
Most wine bloggers are so excited to offer up our expertise to a waiting readership, as well as being pretty darn lazy, that we generally just toss up any old masthead on our blog that the service offers and then jump into the writing. Shiraz’s masthead takes this cache of Lazy that defines wine bloggers and take it to a minimalist height.
Best Wine Blog Masthead: WineCast
Hands down the best masthead in wineblogdom. I really need to know where that old vine is. I have my own ideas about that. Still every time I read WineRant I find myself stopping to admire that great old vine.
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