Runner Up For Stupidest Wine Statement of the Year
"Many new world wines are very good but don’t have the depth and structure [of great Bordeaux] and never will have."
Bill Baker, UK Wine Consultant
Again from this Decanter Magazine Story
Ten to one this guy sells mainly Bordeaux! What do you think?
Nevertheless, my snide remarks here don’t address the central question: How should producers of Bordeaux and those who sell Bordeaux address this issue and the study at issue? How about like this:
While it is true that heavy handed winemaking can overshadow the sublime effects of great terroir, Bordeaux producers have a long history of working to let their terroir speak through their wines. Few wine lover will deny that the various communes of Bordeaux deliver a recognizable style to their wines. It is this style and the producers ability to preserve it that has made our wines the most famous in the world. While some winemakers in other countries and even here in Bordeaux prefer to take the spotlight away from the vineyard and terroir, we remain dedicated to the idea that the best wines are those that reflect the region and vineyard they represent.
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