The Best Collections of Wine Lovers on the Net
Let’s make a bold assumption here: Those who come to read Fermentations like stimulating wine talk. I do to. For years now, the very best, most stimulating, collection of wine talkers have been gathering on Wine Forums across the net.
I remember the Wine Forum at Prodigy. Then came the AOL Wine forum. Then the wine forums started to appear across the Internet. Today there are a number wine-related, internet-based wine forums where everything about wine is discussed, argued about, deconstructed and put back together again. They are gold mines for wine lovers who like to discuss wine as much as they like to drink it.
Here are the best:
West Coast Wine
Brad Harrington started this site…oh..years ago. It tends to focus more on California wine. It was my forum home for years. It still hosts lively debates and is often the source of information on wines that have yet to be discovered
Wine Lovers Page
This forum is the construct of Robin Garr. It is among the longest running wine forums on the Internet. Both Wine Lovers Page and West Coast Wine have a variety of wine information outside the context of the forum. Robin’s page is a full fledged wine website that also has a great forum.
The Wine Spectator Wine Forum
Again, one of the oldest running wine forums on the internet where interest seems to ebb and flow. It’s home at the wine spectator web site makes it a place that will always be popular. I like the clean layout here a lot. It can be a contentious group of wine lovers. But I like that.
Mark Squires Bulletin Board on E-RobertParker
I think is is one of the best utilized wine forums at the moment. There seems to be far more tasting notes posted on this site than the others. The collection of people who make up this community is amazingly diverse. Occasionally Robert Parker and Pierre Rovani of The Wine Advocate chime in on different topics. A very good, very active wine forum
Vino Cellar
Vino Cellar seems an up and coming wine forum where the posts are intelligent. A number of winemakers frequent this site, as they do other wine forums.
Wine Therapy
I just recently discovered this very active site. While it appears to be a good place to rant about this and that, this veil of venting only slightly obscures what is a very active site with informed and opinionated wine lovers who don’t’ mind if your writing includes a cuss word here and there, as long as the profanity is used in the context of a well formed sentence about wine. Very nice site.
Many wine lovers bounce between forums, posting here and there. Yet, each of these forums do have a distinct personality. Also, they all pretty much work the same with topic listing organized by most recently updated. These are dynamic forums that would probably more than satisfy anyone who finds themselves reading wine blogs on a regular basis.
All the forums are free and it takes no more than 30 seconds to register on each.
Now….Go forth and Post!
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