The Continuing Search For Wine News

How do you get your wine news?

Google? Blogs? Wine Business Monthly? The wine print publications?

For those really interested in wine from a wine lovers perspective or those in the wine industry this question is important. It’s more important today than it was a decade ago because with he emergence of the Internet, new wine-related Internet sites and blogs, there is just so much more wine news to consider.

Wine Science News is a relatively new website (begun in May) that has been doing an outstanding job of aggregating the wine news found on the Internet and presenting it in an easy to digest format.

Aggregation websites (sites that gather and list items found around the net rather than developing their own content) can often be frustrating. The source of the frustration is the algorithm and search parameters used to gather up the various items across the net that are listed on the sites. All too often you find such sites that simply search for "wine" and then list the item. This leads to a lot of useless items to skim through.

What’s needed is an editor with an eye toward real news and real commentary who can make sure that the useless stuff is edited out of the feed to the site.

Wine Science News seems to have accomplished this in one way or another. I use the site on a daily basis. It hasn’t replaced my own searches across the Net for relevant news. However, it sure has made it easier.

In addition to searching and listing news on wine, Wine Science News also goes through a variety of blogs, looking for items they think rise to the level of "interesting" and "useful". Whether news or blog commentary, each item is listed under the appropriate category: Viticulture, Winemaking, Wine Retail or Wine Drinking. The items are listed by the date they originally ran. Wine Science News also offers a convenient RSS feed.

Their list of news stories is not complete. Yet, there are no sources as yet that are. I suspect WSN wills continue to increase the number of stories and items and blogs that are culled for news as the site continues.

Posted In: Wine News


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