Wine Blogging on Display in the Wine Media

The word on WineBlogs is slowly filtering through the wine industry. A number of wineries now maintain blogs. A recent guide on wine pr made particular note of blogs. The upcoming second wine writer symposium in Napa Valley will include a blogger on the panel, and wine bloggers are now frequently receiving press releases and contact from wine marketers.

The world of wine blogs is also being put on display by the wine trade press. Wines & Vines magazine, one of the oldest wine trade magazines if not the oldest, recently published a story on wine blogging in their September issue written by Jane Firstenfeld. You’ll see some of the wine bloggers discussed and quoted in the story are familiar.

Posted In: Wine Blogs


One Response

  1. Craig Camp - November 29, 2005

    I was certainly glad to be included in the article, but I was surprised by the lack of feedback or questions from other wineries. Perhaps smaller wineries don’t follow Wine and Vines. However, as they say any publicity is good publicity.

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