So, you want to own a vineyard?
The latest FERMENTATION Sponsor involves a VERY INTRIGUING offer: part ownership in a new Oregon vineyard and winery.
Lenne Estate is located east of the town of Yamhill near a number of impressive vineyards including Willakenzie to the west, Shea to the East, Soter and Beaux Frères to the North and Doe Ridge to the Southeast. The owners are looking for a 5% stakeholder.
I can’t characterize the investment since I’m not an investment adviser. However, I can show you the pictures of the estate below. Beyond that I can say this, FERMENTATION has always strived to appeal to a wide range of wine enthusiasts from newbies to established wine geeks to industry types. My review of those who visit this site suggest that, so far, we’ve been successful in appealing to this broad constituency. Not only do my visitor stats demonstrate this but also the quality and character of the comments we receive as well as the e-mails.
So, for those of you reading FERMENTATION who are in the wine business, in the business of vineyard or winery investments or have always thought about taking a stake in the business of growing grapes and making wine I encourage you to take a look at the information that Lenne Estate has put on display. Plus, if you become an owner you’ll have your own blog all ready built in.
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