I Love LouLou
I love LouLou!…Well, I don’t know LouLou, but I do love her blog…a foray into Peter Mayle-type reporting on entering into living arrangements in new lands.
LouLou describes here blog, Chez LouLou, this way:
"I started this blog in January 2006 to share the experience of living
in this beautiful part of France with others (including the challenge
of bureaucracy) and to have a place to write about my passion for
cooking, wine and food."
LouLou’s writing and reportage is a really well done "through-my-eyes" encounter with a new way of living. The fact that she’s taken with her new South of France home, community and life doesn’t hurt. What you’ll find at Chez LouLou are lots of great photos of this encounter, recipes, tips, descriptions of what life in France means to an ex-pat and regular infusion of subdued thrill with being where she is.
What prompted me to finally write about Chez LouLou was THIS: I can’t wait to try this recipe for Caramelized Onion, Roquefort and Parmesan Tart.
It appears over time that LouLou has increased her blogging output. This is a good thing. There is a wonderful authenticity to LouLou’s posts. Concentrating mainly on her daily life in her new French home, the reader is sucked into that daily life through photos of her garden, the foods and goodies she regularly consumes and the wine that is never far away.
This blog leaves a smile on my face every time I look it up to see what LouLou is doing.
Could you be any sweeter???
Thank you so much for writing such kind words about my blog. It was such a pleasant surprise and greatly appreciated!
Recently I’ve been reading and learning more about wine. Being that we live on a “lake of wine,” I figured it was necessary (and fun!). So I’m glad I came across your site several months ago. It is informative, fascinating and a great read.
Let me know how that tart comes out.