A Rich, Complex Dry Cider From Henney’s in England
Henney’s Dry Cider
Henney’s is a craft cidermaker out of Herefordshire in the western reaches of England. What began as a hobby for Mike Henney apparently morphed into something much more serious. The ciders are produced with blend of traditional Herefordshire cider apples. In fact, Henney’s produces four different ciders: Dry, Medium, Sweet and Vintage. I am excited to try the others…If I can find them here in the states.
Alcohol: 6%
Source: Herefordshire, England
Fruit: Dabinett, Ashton Bitter, Tremletts Bitter Yarlington Mill, Michelin
Price: $6.99 / 500ml bottle
RATING: * * * / * * * * of 5
The Henny’s Dry Cider pours with a richly golden, almost orange hue. It’s unusual in this respect. No head on this cider to speak of but bubbles mingle up to the top of the liquid, which is perfectly clear. On the nose you are going to like the stewed apple aroma that dominates. A light carbonation, moderate tannin and good acid is what’s noticed first on the palate. There is an impressive balance here, with a bit more tannin apparent than acid. The body is somewhat plump and attractive. The flavors follow the nose here. This is a very complete cider from start to finish. Fresh stewed apple are primary on the palate. This is not a cider that delivers citrus as so many do. Instead, the apple is accompanied by something savory, perhaps italian herbs. This cider also possesses a bit of Brettanomyces on the palate and in the aromas too. If you are sensitive to Brett, you mind find this element of the Henney’s Dry Cider off-putting. I don’t find it so. I find it adds complexity. Finally, the label is correct. This is dry cider. The sweetness that you’ll notice is fruit, not sugar. This is wonderful cider.
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