Wikileaks and Wine

So, I took a bit of time to search through the Hillary Clinton, Sony Pictures, John Podesta and Democratic National Committee emails that were hacked, stolen and placed on Wikileaks. I was looking for some salacious news concerning our leaders, entertainers and wine.

The reveal: Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

A couple of mentions of a Cline Cellars wine club shipments for Podesta and a mention of how much someone liked that Ridge red they were given. Beyond this, a number of mentions of the fact that wine will be served with the cheese as various events invitations to hang out and drink some wine, and a note that it’s a good idea not to drink wine when on certain meds. Nothing to see here. Move along.

It appears there is no October Wine Surprise in the emails.

Still, this whole Wikileaks episode should serve to remind us that if there is something you don’t want the world to know, it’s a good idea to keep whatever that is out of your email.

My best advice: Do Lunch.

Posted In: Culture and Wine


2 Responses

  1. Steve - October 30, 2016

    I will do lunch, have your people call my people.
    From what is reported H. likes a nip during the day.

  2. Bob - October 30, 2016

    A nip or a nap during the day?

    (You know how these near-septuagenarians are . . .)

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