The Appellation Discovery Continues
I’ve been trying to follow the exploits of as the newly energized organization has embarked on an ambitious program to investigate America’s most important appellations and answer the questions: What do wines from these regions taste like and why do they taste that way? Essentially, AppellationAmerica is searching for terroir.
The organization undertakes "Discoveries" in which winemakers gather to taste through their region’s wines and try to get at the heart of them. I took part in the Carneros tasting and found it a fascinating experience.
Two new "Discoveries" are posted on the AppellationAmerica website: Anderson Valley Pinot Noir and Carneros Chardonnay. The are well worth a read.
One observation. Reading through both "Discoveries" we find mention of the "old style" of wines and the "new style" of wines. In both cases the "new style" equates to bigger, more extracted and darker. We’ll see more references to the "new style" in the future "Discovery Tastings" I predict. And this will bolster the argument that an homogenization of wine is overtaking the industry.
Keep in mind, the terroir has not changed where tasters find both an "old style" and "new style". What’s changed is the winemaker’s approach to making wine.
Wow! I’m beginging to see wine in a whole new light… By gender. Following the above link I ran into this description: “Anderson Valley style displaying feminine spicy red fruit with a sense of balance, and at the other are more masculine, extracted jammy black fruit wines reflecting what might be considered the “new California style.”
This is sexy stuff. It could be a new episode for your Wine, food, travel and Sex column:
As I opened the kitchen door, expecting to satisfy my midnight craving, I was shocked to find Cynthia in a compromising situation. There she was, lying on the kitchen floor, clothes in disaray, her quivering limbs covered in strawberry jam. The cool blue light eminating from the open refrigerator illuminated her supple torso. The jar was still in one hand… a spoon in the other. “Damn you, Knotts Berry Farm,” I said, “why don’t you go back to Anaheim and take your “new California style” with you.” “Darling” she weeped ” I couldn’t help myself, it’s so… so… Jammy”. She burst into a teary confession. “It won’t help to send it back. Ive been with the Smuckers too.”