Wine Link of the Day: Jack Handy & Paris Hilton



Roshambo Winery in Healdsburg has made a career and created a devoted following by….now following. That is to say, Naomi Brilliant, artist and driving force behind the winery, rarely does things the way you’d expect a winery to do them. To further clarify, that’s breath of fresh air.

I remember suggesting to Naomi a long time ago that she start blogging, that she possessed the perfect soul for such an endeavor. It appears she had other things to do…like making some beautiful wines. But now, with the help of Scott Keneally, it looks like they are well down the path to bloggersville.

With only a few posts under its belt, this winery blog clearly looks like it’s going to be a fun diversion. We’ve already got appearances on the blog by Paris Hilton and Jack Handy’s Sommelier, who makes an excellent point when he declares: "Don’t worry about accidentally pronouncing the ‘t’ in Merlot. That’s nothing compared to the time my mother caught me humping my bedroom"

All in all, very good stuff and good reason to return.

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3 Responses

  1. Me - September 30, 2006

    I found them to be all marketing. The wines? Meh.

  2. tom - September 30, 2006

    I’m going to have to disagree on this one. They may seem as though they are “all marketing” but I suspect that’s because thtey don’t “market” the way 90% of other wineries in America do.
    Beyond that, the wines are quite good.

  3. naked celebrities - November 30, 2009

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