Wine, Not Crime


Let’s presume this data is correct.

Now, let’s speculate.

What does it mean that there is negative correlation between between violent crime in the United States and  wine sales?  That’s what this graph shows. I don’t think we can suggest that is a causality between the two. Drinking wine may be a great thing on many levels but it’s doubtful that the more wine you drink the less crime you commit.

However, it strikes me that that there is a correlation between disposable income and crime: the more disposable income the nation as a whole has, the less reason to commit crimes simply because more people are able meet their commitments. Also, when the economy is on the rise and more folks have more disposable income, things like wine, jewelry and art see increases in sales.

Big Tip of the Hat to John at Quaffabilty for pointing me toward this fun data at


4 Responses

  1. noemail - December 6, 2006

    god that guy slugging wine on your site is SOOOO annoying!!!

  2. Ken - December 6, 2006

    The graph resembles the strolls my wife and I took home after an evening at a local wine bar. The moments of intersection were fun, if brief.

  3. David Graves - December 8, 2006

    Now, Tom, you should know better that to theorize that “disposable income for the nation as a whole” is meaningful for consumer behavior. What we would want to know is how disposable income has changed for each layer of the US Poulation. So how has income changed for the lowest 20%, next 20%, etc. on up to the top 10, 5 and 1% of the income distribution? Changes in “Disposable income” for these slices has been very different for the last 20 years.(Hint–those the top have received an ever-increasing share of national income.) For extra credit,what is the median income for the bottom 80% of households?

  4. JOhn - March 8, 2007

    The graphs says it all.

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