Substance and Wine-ing 2.0
I was thinking it is time to write something and offer my thoughts on the emergence of the wine-blog satire Weblog, "Wine-ing 2.0".
But then I realized that my readers prefer to read about things of substance. So, I offer something of far more importance than Wine-ing 2.0.
And so richly fulfilling, too! 😉
For a minute there, I thought you were going to Rick Roll us.
Background for the uninitiated:
Hi Tom: Thanks for making me laugh my ass off!
I initially hoped that site would take a more approach but it seems to be more along the line of the Comedy Central roasts that run at 2 am now and then.
I find the following far more socially relevant:
Tom – once again proving why you are the king of the wine blogosphere – lol.
More likely the most sarcastic.
Tom! Your attempt at humor here would have been more successful had you linked to an artist who actually lacked substance. But Britney? Come on! She rocks!!!!
If I may quote from her dance track, “Breath On Me”…
“Monogamy is the way to go… just put your lips together, and flow.”
Wow! Now where are you gonna find songwriting like that? Ha.
I’m actually anticipating the day when Brittany decides to usurp the content of “Green Eggs & Ham” for a new dance track.
Oh thats classic. Now THAT is true satire. Slightly better than “this blog is for retards…” or “Daddy’s little girl…” comments…
Very funny – and I’m actually a little disappointed that Snooth didnt get flamed
pretty funny