The Goblet Project: A Program of Wine History
You just don't see much of it any more.
Drive up and down the roads of America's wine regions and new vineyards are rarely being planted and trained in a head prunned or "Goblet" fashion. That wasn't always the case. Look at the vast majority of surviving, true "old vine" vineyards, the 75 year-old + variety, and the majority of them are in fact head trained.
Arthur Z. Przebinda, a doctor, writer, blogger at "Shut Up and Make Wine", father and hobby vineyardist has begun a series of video posts that describe the process by which a Goblet Head Trained vineyard is planted, tended and cared for. Dubbed "The Goblet Project", Arthur worked with Doug Timewell of Toucan Wines to produce the video series.
The first video is pretty interesting stuff and reminds me a little of those efforts in places like Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia and Old Columbia in California where an effort is made to demonstrate to Moderns how things were done in the past by actually doing them that way.
Enjoy this first video of the Goblet Project.
Thank you Tom for sharing this story!
Thanx for the link, TomW. I would suggest Winkler’s General Viticulture text, among others, UC Davis, any edition until the late 1980s, for information about what was until then the standard 7-arm training method for grapevines. It will be interesting to follow the Przebinda effort, I know of at least one vineyard which is planting now an ‘experimental’ plot in this old picturesque style of vine training.
Hi John
Any tips on where I might find that text?
If you have a copy can you share full title/ISBN?
John, I may not have a chance to check this thread, so feel free to drop me a line with the title/ISBN of that book if you have them. My email is on my “About” page of the blog.
Looks like this 1974 edition might do the trick: