Posts Tagged ‘gambling’

Mar 30, 2006

Biodynamicism: Rant Meets Reason

Yesterday’s post on Biodynamicism, faith, gambling and viticultural techniques appeared to some (see comments) as a bit of a rant…perhaps even over the top. First of all I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that anything that appears on FERMENTATION would be considered a rant. I much prefer it be considered "unhinged verbosity." That said, There is a place where one can go to find a someone different, and perhaps more reasoned perspective on the state and nature of Biodynamic Viticulture….

Mar 29, 2006

Faith, Gambling and Technique in the Vineyard

The Associated Press’ Michelle Locke has written a story about Biodynamic farming of wine grapes in the United States focusing on Benziger Winery in Sonoma Valley and Quivera in Dry Creek Valley. It’s very much like other Biodynamic-centered articles in which the personalities at the center of the story claim to have had great success with the system, yet prefer to either discount the somewhat loony alchemical aspects of the practice or speculate that these practices "must be doing something"…