Another Fermentations Find

With so much schlock floating around winery tasting rooms in the form of trinkets, tee shirts, butter trays and tacky table cloths, it’s nice to come across a wine accessory that is unique, useful and beautiful.
100acre produces serving trays from wine barrels that have a very elegant and handcrafted look to them. I couldn’t quite figure out what I was going to use it for. But I know I liked having it stiting on top of the wine rack we keep in the kitchen. It sat there for a week or so.  The longer it sat, the more I liked it there. It sort of finished the top of the rack that had been the landing place for mail. It’s still the landing place for mail but now the mail goes in my "100 Acre" tray. The mail looks much better.

Given the quality of the trays ($60 for the small tray and $70 for the big one) the price is pretty good. But what I like is that they are unique. You don’t see them around much. There are about 20 different winery barrel bottoms to choose from.

One more great wine accessory find from Fermentations.

Posted In: Wine Business


One Response

  1. Barbara - April 16, 2005

    I’ve been using ends and tops of wooden wine boxes for cheese boards and food platters. Love this idea of the trays.

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