Best Books on California Wine has published my first article for them:
This article puts forth those indispensable books for anyone wanting to learn more about California from the best volumes on the subject.
What are the best books on the subject of California wine? Check it out.
Nice list, Tom.
The list seemed to clearly focus on new/ish books, but an absolutely (the?) fundamental book on California wine is Schoonmaker and Marvel’s 1941 classic “American Wines.” While its not currently in print, its readily available – I just picked up a jacketed first edition for all of $15 through alibris, after a friend “lost” my other copy. It shows how far California really has come in an incredibly short time. There are also still a lot of valid points in Schoonmaker’s now 50+ year old critique of the industry. Well worth a thorough read for anyone interested in California wine.
I’d also add David Darlington’s Angel’s Share (now rereleased and retitled “Zin”) and/or Sullivan’s “Zinafandel: A History fo the a Grape and its Wine” and/or Rhoda Stewart’s “A Zinfandel Odyssey” as essential to understanding the importance of and passion for that accidental California specialty, Zinfandel.
Forgot to say congrats on getting published.