2 Responses

  1. David Nelson - April 27, 2005

    Nice list, Tom.
    The list seemed to clearly focus on new/ish books, but an absolutely (the?) fundamental book on California wine is Schoonmaker and Marvel’s 1941 classic “American Wines.” While its not currently in print, its readily available – I just picked up a jacketed first edition for all of $15 through alibris, after a friend “lost” my other copy. It shows how far California really has come in an incredibly short time. There are also still a lot of valid points in Schoonmaker’s now 50+ year old critique of the industry. Well worth a thorough read for anyone interested in California wine.
    I’d also add David Darlington’s Angel’s Share (now rereleased and retitled “Zin”) and/or Sullivan’s “Zinafandel: A History fo the a Grape and its Wine” and/or Rhoda Stewart’s “A Zinfandel Odyssey” as essential to understanding the importance of and passion for that accidental California specialty, Zinfandel.

  2. David Nelson - April 27, 2005

    Forgot to say congrats on getting published.

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