Dominos Pizza = Screaming Eagle
And you thought all those Domino Pizza you ate in college were merely generate a grease induced stomach ache.
Not so!
You helped pay for a Million Dollar wine cellar that is coming up for auction at Sothebys in New York in December.
Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos Pizza is selling off what is a magnificent collection of wines from across the globe. Monaghan became a collector of wines off his Pizza Profits. Why did he collect and drink wine? According to Monaghan because he was caught up in the "the constant search for new and better tastes."
Hmm? Have you had a Dominos Pizza lately.
Be that culinary critique as it may, Monaghan is getting out of the wine collecting business in order to help raise money for his latest project: The creation of the first Catholic University in America in 40 years: Ave Maria University near Naples, Florida. He calls his decision to give up his "greatest passion" a "spiritual sacrifice".
An interview with Monaghan can be found HERE
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