Reading (wine blogs) Is Fundamental

Some Editorial Updates For Your Reading Pleasure:

1. Wine Sediments, the new wine blog on the WellFed Network is humming along. My most recent post, "What Next? Republican Wine"? is currently at the top of the list.

2. Taj at Cork & Demon continues her Western Wine Tour, a tour de force wine road trip that currently puts her in the Central Coast area of California. Her tour and chronicle of her adventures is well worth a read.

3. FERMENTATION is now listing events it wants to attend under the "GREAT EVENTS" headline over there in the left sidebar. If you’ve got an event you think I’d love to attend and that others need to know about, let me know. No promises. But let’s here about it.

4. In my mind the best new wine blog of the year is clearly THE GOOD GRAPE. It is currently running the forth in a series on the Cluetrain philosophy that "Conversations Among Human Beings Sound Human" and how it relates to wine and how we talk about and sell and buy wine.

5. It’s hard for me to express how proud I am of two Wark Communications clients that have taken up blogging in gusto and have both delivered outstanding posts. the REthink Wine Blog from Inertia Beverage Group is blogging the hell out of the direct sales issue with some great posts on how wineries can care better for their customers. Meanwhile, Annette Hoff over at the Cima Collina Winery Blog has some opinionated and insightful posts on what it’s like to be at the helm of a start up winery.

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