Via Con Dios
FERMENTATION is going on hiatus for a couple weeks for reasons I’ll get to in a second. However, I have cued up some posts that will arrive here in my absence and that will test your knowledge of the world of wine. So, in advance I encourage you to enjoy.
Why will FERMENTATION be going on Hiatus? There are a number of good reasons. Let me outline them here:
Reason # 1.
Reason # 2:
Reason #3:
Reason #4:
Reason #5
Via Con Dios!
Are you sure you’re not shilling for Corona instead of the Specialty Wine Retailers Association? Enjoy your trip, and be careful of the Ice Cubes!
I think we get the idea. and yer not even taking a laptop? have fun!
I don’t know, Tom, those photos just aren’t convincing enough. Are your SURE you want to take this trip? I mean, just THINK of everything you’ll be missing back home …
Spring break & Mexico……you’re either helping to film the 2007 edition of Girls Gone Wild or you’ve accepted an all-expense paid trip from WSWA.
Have fun down south, stay out of trouble!
Peace and Chicken Grease!
over out.