Election Day is Coming—Let’s Talk Beer, Wine and Booze

It’s entirely possible that outside of bond issues, the most common type of issue voters will register their opinion upon come election day is something to do with the sale of alcohol. It might be Sunday alcohol sales or allowing beer and wine to be sold at retail or allowing mixed drinks in restaurants.

You can get a taste of how prevalent votes on alcohol issues are by doing a google news search on “Alcohol Sales Vote”. The return of results is overwhelming.

What interests me are the arguments against allowing someone to buy a bottle of wine on a Sunday or for that matter on any day of the week. I generally find that opposition to allowing free individuals to choose to sell or buy alcohol usually comes down to theology cloaked in public safety concerns. And sometimes the way those kinds of arguments are constructed are pretty interesting. For your consideration, I provide here just a small sampling of anti-alcohol sales arguments that are being made across the country. I’m particularly taken by the use of marijuana and crack cocaine in the last quotation here.

It’s a question of public safety, not religion,” said Jerry Luquire of the state Christian Coalition”
Columbus, GA—Sunday Alcohol Sales

“You can’t put a dollar sign on someone’s life, marriage, children-I don’t care what the dollars are,” said Burce Stovall.”
Eastland County, TX—Sales of Beer and Wine; Sale of Mixed Drinks in Restaurants

“My concern is that what (Christians are) for gets drowned out by what we’re against,” said Richard Pettijohn, pastor of Boaz First Baptist Church. We’re not a bunch of Bible thumpers that hate non-Christians,” he said. “We have a positive message about family, love, community and Christ.”
Boaz, AL—Allowing Sales of Alcohol in Town

“As Christian I would not want to represent people drinking in our hometown. I know that they’re going to do it and that they’ll go someplace else and get it,” said Gayle Givson.”
Blount County, AL—Allow Alcohol Sales in County

“It’s a bad mix,” said Baker, whose church has about 1,200 members. “The bars close at 2 a.m. Sundays and I don’t think people need alcohol that bad for sales to start up again five hours later at 7 a.m. Sunday morning is family time.”
Clay County, FL—Expanding Sunday Sales Hours from 2pm to 7am

“I am not criticizing moderate personal use of alcohol,” Reverend James Henderson said. “I am not opposed to progress. But this is a pleasant, peaceful community with churches and schools all in sight of one another…”You have strip clubs and porno places,” he said. “Once you start the downhill slide it’s hard to stop.”
Priceville, AL—Alcohol Sales in Town

“I am a Christian, and I based my campaign platform on my beliefs,” Cavett said. “My constituents voted me in based on my platform and I’m just trying to uphold that for them.”
Payne County, OK—Restaurant Consumption of alcohol Above 3.2% ABV

“The supporters presented a petition, they had more than enough signatures, and we had to send it to the council for approval,” said Corky Brown, the city’s public information officer. “But we do have large faith-based organizations here, and we’re still a little town in a lot of ways. And you hear conversations around town, ‘I wish they wouldn’t do this.’
Cedar Hill, TX—Beer and Wine Purchases at retail

“They also say more sales tax dollars would be generated, but so would the legalization of the sale of marijuana and crack cocaine.”
York County, South Carolina—Sunday Alcohol Sales

2 Responses

  1. Terroirist: A Daily Wine Blog » Daily Wine News: Election Day! - November 6, 2012

    […] Tom Wark reflects on the arguments people make when alcohol is on the ballot. […]

  2. Daily Wine News: Election Day! | Wine 2020 - November 10, 2012

    […] Tom Wark reflects on the arguments people make when alcohol is on the ballot. […]

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