A Return To Sanity Calls For A Drink…Or Two
It almost feels like a dream come true. But when I look at the calendar I’m assured it’s true. After more than two years of being constantly subjected to announcements of exploratory commissions and announcements of new candidacies, of constant campaigning, scores of debates, ludicrous campaign promises, and poll after poll after poll, the campaign for President of the United States appears to finally be over tomorrow.
If anything was cause for a drink, it’s the end of the presidential election season.
For some folks in some states, however, they won’t have the pleasure of raising a glass to the end of the long slog. In fact, in Kentucky and South Carolina, it’s illegal to buy alcohol on election day. In Alaska and Massachusetts it is also illegal to lift a pint or knock back a glass of Cab on election day unless localities allow exceptions to the law. Utah bans only retail sales on election day. And it was only in the past couple of years that West Virginia and Indiana rescinded their long-time bans on alcohol sales on election day.
What’s interesting is that while these hold over laws from earlier days surely have some moral-building character to them, in reality many such laws were originally put in place because bars and saloons were often polling places, making the continued sale of alcohol while voting was going on somewhat awkward.
The fact is, given what Americans are subjected to through two long years of election campaigning, one would think that the Wednesday after Presidential Elections ought to be established as “National Throw One Back for The Sake of Sanity Day”. Surely a little celebration is in order.
I don’t vote because I feel like my vote doesn’t count. I just like to party like a rockstar and do whatever people tell me not to do. It’s all a dog and pony show anyway. I think I will just move back to England where I should have grown up because it’s ruled by a woman not a bunch of skirt chasing men!