Background on the Bottom Feeder Attacking Wine
As a follow up to my recent post on the bottom feeding attorney in Illinois who is suing wineries and retailers for no other reason than to make a buck, I wan to alert to you to two other articles of importance on this issue:
Illinois Qui Tam Lawsuits—Private Enforcement Of a State Claim: A Bonanza For A Plaintiff’s Lawyer And A Rip-Off Of Retailers
Hinman & Carmichael’s BOOZE RULES
Are Shipping Charges Taxable in Illinois
ShipCompliant Blog
Over at Booze Rules, John Hinman and John Edwards II delve into the law behind these lawsuits related to the taxing of shipping charges and looks at what wineries and retailers can do right now. Additionally, the article looks at an important twist to the story as it relates to retailers and their exposure to bottom feeding attorneys.
At ShipCompliant Blog you’ll find a variety of documents that relate to the issue at hand that you can use to educate yourself.
Both posts are required reading for any company shipping wine direct to consumers in Illinois as well as individuals interested in the kinds of barriers that are thrown up in front of wine shippers merely looking to simply and legally get you the wines you want.
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