Top 5 Predictions for Wine in 2015
I am notoriously average when it comes to making successful predictions. All that means is that I have to keep trying. So, here are my top five predictions fort what’s coming in the world of wine in 2015. Note that there are, as there have been in the past, no predictions concerning the three-tier system or wine blogs. Read into that what you like.
1. Winery Turnover Is Coming Full Force
Wine had a damn good year in 2014 and expect the same in 2015, particularly among the smaller, more quality oriented, higher priced brands. As always happens, when the wine industry is in expansion/good days mode, the courting begins. Expect to see some high-profile winery purchases made by folks who will pay a premium
2.The Natural Wine Fad Becomes Ho Hum
We’ve had a number of years in which Natural Wine champions have told us this “new thing” is the cat’s meow. The early adopters are in, but most others are wondering, “Ok, so what’s the big deal?” In other words, the light will shine on those winemakers who make great wine, no matter what marketing label is affixed to it and “Natural Wine” will finally have to stand to be compared with “Un-Natural” wine. No more free passes.
3. Massachusetts Will Come Out Guns Blaring
We are about to learn that the affective ban on direct shipping that has existed in Massachusetts for years has resulted in some serious pent-up demand. Look for direct to consumer shipments to the Bay State to explode.
4. Syrah and Sauvignon Blanc
You heard it here first.
5. You’re Gonna Be Pissed…
That you didn’t buy 2005 Bordeaux when you see what happens at auction. Assuming interest rates state low and assuming the auction market for wine gets hot, you’re going to see people driving up the price of great first growths on their tenth anniversary.
You may have overlooked this item from the 2015 forecast, but I believe that the Finger Lakes region will make significant gains in terms of making Top rated lists beyond the in-roads being made by the fantastic Rieslings in 2015 as the body of work being produced will now start to be considered.
Randy, Doesn’t it seem to you that among most really astute wine folks, the FL Rieslings are considered among America’s best wines? What other varietals from the FL do you think will rise or could rise to that level?
Tom, I meant beyond the great FL Rieslings, some really nice Sparkling Wines, Chardonnay, Pinot Noirs and even Red blends. I can send some recommendations if interested. I write for the FL Wine Gazette.
And the real # 1 prediction:
Tom Wark continues his Fermentation wine blog (because he can’t help himself — he yearns to communicate!).
Okay Tom, prove me wrong?
Agree with Randy’s remarks on the Finger Lakes. I would add Cabernet Franc.
Just taste Blooomer Creek Cab Franc or Eminence road Cab Franc, or Pinot Noir and you will know that FL is amazing for reds in the right years