Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Mar 2, 2006

Q&A Thurs: Is That Really You in the Picture?

Is That Really You in the FERMENTATION Header Above? Yes. However, it’s true that I look somewhat different today. I have hair…again. The truth is, I was asked repeatedly by a little girl I tuck in at night to grow back my hair because I "looked scary and mean" without hair. Of course she didn’t take into account how much easier it is to groom one’s self when the hair part only takes twice weekly shavings. Nevertheless, being nearly completely…

Feb 20, 2006

Culinary Confession

There was a time, not too long ago, when birthday’s freaked me out. The aging thing. My response was to spend my birthdays pretty much alone, at home, reflecting. I tended to partner these bouts of melancholy with vintage port. I could usually get through Godfather 1 and 2 and a good bottle of Warres or Fonseca and the dreaded day would be over. Things have changed. I don’t mind birthday’s nearly as much. However, I do still indulge myself….

Feb 17, 2006

On Mummies, Sisters and Wine

My sister and I connect in a lot of ways, but one of them is not wine. She doesn’t drink, so it’s hard to share my enthusiasm for wine. That’s one of the reasons I like stories like this one. Apparently scientists have determined that white wine occupied some of the vessels found in King Tuts’ tomb in Egypt. Previous stories had Tut enjoying only red wine. But liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry now show that wine wine was placed…

Feb 3, 2006

If Celebrities Wrote Back Labels for Wines

I’ve been writing back labels a lot of late. While I take pride in the work of describing a wine, a winery, etc on the back of a wine bottle, I do sometimes wish for going outside the box. I’ve always thought it would be a brillant idea to have famous people write back labels. GORE VIDAL:"Audacious and distrurbing all at once, the wine here delivered is of such girth and so seemingly protoplasmic in structure that the mind is,…

Jan 23, 2006

Diss Me…Get some love…It’s Policy

I don’t usually pay a lot of attention to those who diss me or FERMENTATION. Nor am I apt to ask others to pay attention to them. But damn it, my latest critic, despite what he had to say about me and FERMENTATION, has a pretty cool blog! "Martini Lounge: Saving the World One Drink at a Time"  is an eclectic view of the bar world and its connection to culture that delivers an authentic voice that entertains with reviews…