Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Apr 8, 2005

The Significance of Rose Wine

I’ve started to think about Rose. No doubt this slight fixation of the past few days has been caused by the onset of spring. The fact is, I am so in love with the pink drink that I force myself to ignore it during the three winter months. If I didn’t install this forced blindness in my mind, I’d surely ruin the significance of Rose. There are some very solid associations I make to rose that have turned it from…

Apr 3, 2005

The New Home of Fermentations

I’ve been wanting to work with a more flexible blog for a long time. Blogger, while a great place to start, made it  hard to continue. So, welcome to the new home of "Fermentations: The Daily Wine Blog" If you are one of the lucky few who have had this site bookmarked (emphasis on few) you’ll want to replace your bookmark with the new link. While the old site will stay up for a time, there will be no new…

Mar 29, 2005

Wine Loving Kids…Make More of Them

Being a person who works in the wine industry, who has lots of wine and alcohol in the home and who is a parent of two young children, I’ve given a good amount of thought to how the consumption of alcohol should be presented to the little ones (9 and 11) in the home.  I’ve come down on the issue like this: It’s important to demonstrate a respect for the effects of alcohol, as well as train the children how…

Mar 25, 2005

Today is a Good Day…A Very Good Day

Today I’ll take my mother home from the hospital she has been in since having a stroke a little over two weeks ago. So, today is a good day. A very good day. You think about a lot of different things when you see a parent lying in a hospital bed. Priorities come to mind. The debt we owe to those that offer us unconditional love. These are things that really ought to come to mind as a matter of…

Feb 27, 2005

Oscar Predictions & the Wine Kitty

The Oscars and Wine are have a long history in our home of being paired together. This will be the 8th year will celebrate the Oscars with friends and wine. It’s pretty simple. Everyone brings a bottle for the "Wine Kitty" We each have a ballot. Whoever guesses the most winners correctly takes home all the wine. The winner usually takes home a couple cases. Of course this year is a bit different with SIDEWAYS in the running. Different for…