Archive for the ‘Wine News’ Category

Nov 28, 2005

The Continuing Search For Wine News

How do you get your wine news? Google? Blogs? Wine Business Monthly? The wine print publications? For those really interested in wine from a wine lovers perspective or those in the wine industry this question is important. It’s more important today than it was a decade ago because with he emergence of the Internet, new wine-related Internet sites and blogs, there is just so much more wine news to consider. Wine Science News is a relatively new website (begun in…

Nov 23, 2005

Top 10 Wine News Stories of 2005

Assuming news of wine’s cancer curing properties is not announced between now and the end of December, following are my Top Ten Wine News Stories of 2005 THE TOP TEN WINE NEWS STORIES OF 2005 10. The Rise of RoseHow great was this? Finally in 2005 Dry Rose came on strong in popularity, appealing not only to the younger drinkers that have found wine, but to the wine trade in general. We had a Rose tasting in San Francisco as…

Nov 3, 2005

A Influential Wine Insider Passes

Inside any industry that attracts the attention of the general public there are the visible stars and the people behind the scenes. The wine Industry is no different. We have Robert Mondavi, Robert Parker, Helen Turley and other highly visible and influential folk. Yet, it’s often those behind the scenes that make the greatest impact on the industry. One of the wine industry’s most influential people died recently and at a terribly young age.Patrick Wofford owned Benchmark Consulting in Sonoma….

Nov 1, 2005

Exclusive Images of Wine Warehouse Fire

The recent giant warehouse fire in Vallejo, California that destroyed upwards of $100 Million in wine will impact the CA wine industry for some time to come. Many a winery will be out of the market for a year or more while others will be unable to review their historical winemaking efforts due to the loss of significant "library collections." Those wineries and brands that have been reported to have suffered a loss in the fire include:Trey Sabore, Whitehall Lane,…

Oct 31, 2005

The 2005 California Grape Harvest Explained

The onmipresent SF Chronicle wine writer Blake Grey found his words on the front page of his newspaper today in what is the most comprehensive story yet on the 2005 California grape harvest and the potential impact that its girth will have on the business. Blake is predicting a quality bonanza for consumers who look to the $10 to $15 range where a good deal of the juice that generally gets into higher priced wines will eventually end up as…