Laurie Daniel on The Rutherglen Stickies
For quite some time now I’ve been suggesting that the sweet wines from Australia’s Rutherglen region are not only among the best wines made anywhere in the world but probably the best values in the world.
Laurie Daniel of the San Jose Mercury News has a fantastic article today on the region and it’s sweet and fortified wines along with recommedations.
Among my personal favorites are the Campbell’s Rutherglen Tokay and Muscat (Both about $19 for a 375ml)
These wines can sometimes be difficult to find. But even if you can’t get a hold of either of the Campbells recommended here, try a Muscat or Tokay from any of the others you might find on line or on the shelf of your local store. You won’t be disappointed, particuarly given the relatively low cost of the wines.
Good stuff…..the fortified wines of Australia are one of our great treasures.
Rich in history and delicious stuff.
The upper tier wines of Campbells, Buller and Seppelts are just amazing.
Both the Campbells and Chambers from Rutherglen are great, and they can store after opening for months. In Ohio they are less than $20 for a half-bottle.