Mainstream Media…Meet Wine Blogging
First it was Jon Bonne of with his "Amuse Bouche" Blog. Then came Mark Fisher of the Dayton Daily News with his "Uncorked" blog.
Now, it’s Mr. Eric Asimov of the New York Times with a new Blog called "The Pour".
I think we can now officially say the "mainstream media" has discovered wine blogs.
And this is a good thing.
There is an inherent bias against wine blogs that comes from the notion that they and those behind them are amateurs. That is, they aren’t "real" wine writers. To a large degree the latter is true. I’m certainly not a professional wine writer. But this does not mean that FERMENTATION or many of the other wine blogs are "amateurish".
The arrival of Jon, Mark and now Eric on the wine blogging scene does a lot to bring the kind of credibility to this medium that simply is difficult to earn by having a long list of blogs on Wine Blog Watch. Keep in mind, it’s the MEDIUM that gains credibility by the entry of the mainstream, professional writers to the blog world. The content of any blog is judged by the degree to which it is compelling, well written and embodied with a unique voice…the same qualities that got Jon, Mark and Eric their positions.
That said, it is going to be fun to read Asimov’s "The Pour" blog. He wants us to know that he won’t be REVIEWING wine as much as discussing it in the context of DRINKING wine…with friends and family and around a table. He also promises posts on that place where culture and wine meet. Reading his work in the New York Times, Eric has always struck me as a writer, and reviewer, with a sense of responsibility. He also brings a very broad perspective to wine that results from an obvious interest as well as the opportunity a place at the New York Times provides, and which likely also instills him with the responsibility I mentioned earlier.
So, welcome to club Eric. Now get blogging.
Tom: But what does it mean for the niche that wine bloggers have carved out and nourished as the “alternative” voices to Old Media? Will folks like me and (to a much larger degree) Eric erode that “rebel” image that may give blogging some of its appeal?
The big difference between blogs and the mainstream media is accountability — blogs don’t have to answer to anyone, making their point of view fresh and candid (or complete garbage!) Eric Asimov’s writing voice is very careful and earnest, which seems to run counter to the spontaneity of blogging but who knows? He may just let his hair down!
The answer to your question is YES.
However, every medium eventually changes. Blogs will too. Where will FERMENTATION be in five years? I guarantee it will not be where it is now. Where, I don’t know. But it will change.