Mother Nature’s Headfake


Everyone you talk to in Northern California can’t seem to get past the dismal weather we’ve been experiencing. Even yesterday’s momentary headfake by Mother Nature when the sun shone for an hour or two caused people to criticize the Great Mother rather than thank her for the momentary rays.

Now the media is starting to talk about it. How could they not. We’ve had what seems to be a constantly grey sky now for nearly 40 days. The main concern for many is the agricultural implications of the bad weather and lack of sun. Winemakers and the vineyards have been the focus of much of the media coverage.

Here is a good article that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle   on the impact of the poor weather on the grape crop.

And here is a blog entry from the Cima Collina Winery Blog
   that speaks to the issues they are dealing with due to Mother Nature’s bad mood.

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