Wine 2.0

I know it sounds strange, but it strikes me that the age of new technologies, "the communications age" if you will, seems to have had a fairly small impact in the wine industry.

Yes, there is the annual Wine Industry Technology Symposium, but in general the convergence of technology and wine seems very much in the background. This makes sense, in a way. Wine is still and likely always will be an agricultural based pursuit. When folks talk about wine, they tend to talk about the juice or the grapes, not the way technology affects its production or the way technology helped get them the wine they wanted.

Yet, there are in fact a number of companies dedicated either to using new technology to sell wine as well as companies that utilize new communication technologies to change the playing field for learning and teaching about wine. At Wark Communications we work with two such companies: Inertia Beverage Group and

It happens that both Inertia and Appellation America will be two of the companies taking part in what looks to be a fascinating get together: Wine 2.0.

Organized mainly by the folks at RadCru, Wine 2.0 is a networking event of wine companies using new technologies, the media and investors who want to know more about each other. Its details are:

When: November 8th
7 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Where: Varnish Fine Art Gallery and Wine Bar

Wines Provided By: Cameron Hughes Wine,
Three Thieves, Stormhoek,
Medlock Ames, MORE TBA!

If you are a member of the media, a winery, or are interested in investing in a wine 2.0 type company you should consider RSVPing. Among the companies that will be in attendance are: Appellaltion America, Bottlenotes, Crushpad, Inertia Beverage Group, ProVina (the WinePod folk), RadCru and others.

4 Responses

  1. Derrick Schneider - October 16, 2006

    Too bad my big article on Vinovation won’t be out by then. Sounds like an interesting conference.

  2. jeff - October 16, 2006

    Twisted Oak will be in the house, as they say. See you there with feathers on! Or not…

  3. Lenn - October 17, 2006

    With this east-coaster could be there…but once again, all the action is on the west coast

  4. JOhn - March 8, 2007

    Such symposiums should address the illegal manufacturing and monitoring of wine produced through brewing.

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