Global Zinfandel
Why today? Because ZAP (Zinfandel Advocates and Producers) says so. And that's good enough for me.
I like the idea of taking at least one day out of the year to celebrate a specific grape. ZAP is encouraging wine lovers to take part in home tastings with friends as well as utilizing social media to talk up and celebrate the Zinfandel grape and wine.
Today, Twitter users will be utilizing the #Zinfandel hashmark in abundance. And they'll be highlighting Zin on their Facebook pages!
Much more information can be found at the ZAP Website and at the Event Webpage for GLOBAL Zinfandel Day.
Thanks Tom for helping spread the word about #Zinfandel Day
I think the first Global #Zinfandel Day was a huge success. It trended nicely on Twitter and created a good buzz on Facebook and other social media sites.
There are so many great Zins out there, it’s always fun spreading the word.