Archive for the ‘Corona Virus’ Category

Apr 8, 2020

Let’s Give the Post Office a Drink — NOW

The postal service needs serious reform and alcohol needs to be a part of that reform. The number and diversity of industries that have been hurt, devastated, impacted, etc by the social shutdown that has accompanied the arrival of the COVID-19 virus is hard to factor. They seem innumerable. Now we learn that the U.S. Postal service is, as a result of COVID-19, in jeopardy of folding. According to Carolyn B. Maloney, the chair of the Committee on Oversight and…

Mar 31, 2020

How CoronaVirus Will Change the Alcohol Industry

The problem with trying to predict the impact of the CoronaVirus on the Alcohol Universe is the same problem of predicting its impact on any industry: We don’t yet know the severity of the impact the Virus will have people and society and we don’t yet know the effective lifespan of the virus going unchecked by medical intervention such as a vaccine or effective treatment. But of course, predictions can be based on assumptions. Let’s assume, for the sake of…