Posts Tagged ‘wine industry’

Mar 31, 2006

State of the States: Money, Wine & Politics

Continuing FERMENTATION’s look at money, wine and politics, we turn in this post to the money spent on political campaigns at the state level. It is here, in the individual states, where nearly all legislation and regulations concerning alcohol, its production, its sales and its distribution is undertaken. Between 2004 and 2006, contributions to state level political campaigns from beer, wine and spirit concerns totaled $21,362,727. The overwhelming majority of this money comes from distributors and wholesalers of alcohol. This…

Mar 1, 2006

Q & A Thursday

We are going to try something new here at FERMENTATION:Q & A Thursday I get a number of questions asked of me, but usually by e-mail. Let’s bring them out in the open. Go ahead and ask any question in the comments section of this post. Assuming there are not a jillion of them I’ll do my best to answer them or I’ll find an industry expert who can and we’ll post the answers to the questions on Thursday. What’s…