Archive for the ‘Our Little Project’ Category

Aug 15, 2015

Henry George and Diversity at the Wine Blogging Conference

I face-timed with my son last night while he was eating dinner 3,000 miles away. On his plate was cheese, apple sauce, steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, some sort of a boiled grain that his daddy never fixes for him, and some strange sort of protein that was unidentifiable. Additionally, he had a sippy cup of milk. It was pretty diverse diet. What would be clear to any winery employee, editor, marketer, importer, publicist or other member of the wine world…

Oct 1, 2014

Conducting a Proper Blind Tasting (With Results)

The key to conducting any “taste-off” or comparison tasting is creating a rigorous process so that as many factors that might lead to bias are filtered out of the effort and the results. Because our tasting process for this comparison of different beverages was in fact rigorous and as finely tuned as possible, it can be said with a high degree of confidence that the results should prove a tremendously helpful guide for those 4 month-olds seeking out a beverage…

Sep 17, 2014

Use Your Words—Whether Whining or Writing on Wine

Every now and then I use “big words” both on this blog, on my other media endeavors, and in my work as a publicist. There is and always has been a debate among marketing professionals as to what level of vocabulary ought to be employed in order to properly deliver a marketing or promotional or sales message. It’s an interesting debate. I fall on the “use-the-word-that best fits-regardless-of-its-obscurity” side of the debate, rather than the “keep-it-simple-stupid” approach. There’s a middle…

Aug 2, 2014

Good Eat’in and Being Sustained By Friends

In October 1979 the eat’in at the Wark house was the best it had ever been, and all my life it had been pretty damned good. During that month, in every corner of the kitchen, filling every shelf in the refrigerator, and stacked in the freezer there were lasagnas, casseroles, baked goods and cakes of every kind. I don’t know how they expected my mom and I to eat it all. But, it came in useful for the non-stop parade…

May 21, 2014

Perfection Is Possible

In the past on this site I’ve written more than once about the notion of perfection (in wine). We’ve debated if it’s possible. What it means to call something perfect. What it implies. I don’t know if I’ve ever been sure that perfection is possible. Now I’m sure. I’m positive perfection is possible. Please welcome Henry George Wark. Our Little Project. Born: 8:26am, Wednesday, May 21