The Apex in Critter Wine Appeal?
Well, it is official.
The trend toward cute labels has reached a climax. Here is a wine column out of Arizona that reviews and gives scores not only to the wines, but also to the wine labels that qualify as cute.
There is something in me that creates something of an aversion to cute labels but I can’t quite lay my finger on the source of that dismissive attitude.
By the way…Why not FIVE emus?
I wrote a bit about the Four Emus wine back in March:
If you’re buying the wine in the US, it comes from Western Australia, whereas if you buy it in Australia or the UK, it comes from South East Australia. I’m still curious as to why they do this.
I thought that Three Blind Moose had marked the apex (or nadir) of cute critter labels, but one can always be proved wrong.
“By the way…Why not FIVE emus?” That’s the future Reserve wine name!
Here’s another article on those pesky wine critters:
The Twin Fin Pinot Noir was also the subject of a very public disagreement between to prominent Toronto wine writers:
There is a targeting of purchaser demographic groups in label design. The Australian penchant for menagerie is curious, there is a US interest in rare species. It is better than advertising contains polyvinylpolypyrolidone and bentonite residue less than 2 ppb. But it is possible the animistic excesses of some label themes could impart less appeal for discriminating buyers who might opt to gift give something which is more insightfully branded and labeled; though the label you highlighted seemed to me open to a euphonymic reevaluation: 4-e-muse. Still a bit too imprecise to sell wine, though; and to be grammatical it would have to be plural, muses.