I’m Thankful For…
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. In addition to providing the opportunity to pull out those "special occasion" wines I tend to look forward to opening, it is also the holiday best suited to my temperment, belief structure and inclinations toward feasting.
More importantly, it provides a symbolic pause in life's advance that enables me to formally and publicly give thanks. And there is a great deal for PR Guy and blogger to be thankful for.
…Having people in my life to share wine with
…Living a life that anyone would call blessed.
…Having enough talent to never fall prey to the dread that is dependency.
…Having this blog, though which I can explore my relationship with wine, culture, politics and myself.
…Every client Wark Communications has ever served
…Still being able to pull a few tap dancing moves out of my hat after all these years
…Being reminded that love is not just something at which cynics scoff.
…Karen and Alverna
…Cindy, Don, Jane, Jeff, Kevin, Lisa, Michelle, Robert, Sarah and Stewart, and Tori.
…Bucklin Old Hill Ranch Zinfandel.
…Getting my nose back after abusing it for 20 years
…the New Yorker Magazine
…Authentic Country Hams
…Modern medical miracles
…The comfort and bliss that comes with giving and receiving real affection
…Possessing much less concern today about what others think.
…Possessing the kind of hope necessary to continue to cheer for the San Francisco Giants
…Dark movie theaters, warm popcorn and a projector
…the memories I have of my parents.
…The readership of this blog
And I am thankful to you for expanding the readership of mine.
Happy Thanksgiving, Tom. And congrats on one month smoke-free.
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for my wife….and possibly for ABC which may be approving our permits today or tomorrow, that would be a nice present for my family!
Hmm, that’s weird…I posted a “thankful for” list on my blog today too…but it doesn’t even remotely resemble yours, LOL.
What’s promising about your list is that there are things to be thankful for which couldn’t have existed on it the year before.
Happy Thanksgiving, Tom. I too am thankful for much–but I am thankful for you, this blog and all I’ve learned. You’ve been a strong hand in igniting and guiding a passion for me. Thank you-Bucklin Old Hill Ranch Grenache! Tell Will to save some for me 🙂