Wine & Cheese: The Secret to Happiness

happyThe burning question of our day appears to have been answered:

“Does drinking make people happier, or does being happier make people drink?”

This is the question that scientists in the UK wanted to answer and developed an app to help them gather the data to come up with an answer you will surely find hard to believe:

“After controlling for prior happiness, the researchers found that the drinking had a slightly smaller boost on overall happiness, but the effect was still significant. That suggests it’s more the case that drinking makes you happy, rather than the other way around.

You are kidding???

I could point out that sometimes scientists take time investigating questions, where instead they could simply talk to me for five minutes and get the obvious answer that they should know would result from their research. But I won’t.

Instead, let me emphasize that human beings have been happily drinking alcohol for as long as they’ve been able to and not primarily to substitute for fetid water supplies, nor for medicinal reasons. They drink alcohol because it makes them feel good…including happy. This is the magic of alcohol.

Now every time I allude to the magic of alcohol on this blog I inevitably receive comments and emails reminding me that alcohol is evil and results in evil impacts on human beings. So, let me state here and now that I am aware that it is almost always the case that magic can be both evil and good.

And while on the subject of good, it is being reported that there is a glut of cheese in the United States artisandue primarily to Vladimir Putin’s ban on EU ag products and the need for EU ag producers to find other markets. It’s reported that each American needs to do their fair share of eating an additional 3 pounds of cheese annually to consume the surplus.

I’m here to suggest, before scientists choose to study the issue, that if people eat more good cheese, they will be happier. No need to study the issue.



6 Responses

  1. Mike Wanless - May 26, 2016

    Alcohol is a depressant according to the experts.In spite of constant experimentation to attempt to overcome that effect, I have found that I like to be depressed. Cheers

    • Sal Captain - May 27, 2016

      Alcohol is stimulant in small doses, and depressant in high!!!

  2. Bob R - May 28, 2016

    “every time I allude to the magic of alcohol on this blog I inevitably receive comments and emails reminding me that alcohol is evil and results in evil impacts on human beings. ”
    I’m surprised people with those views would read a wine blog.

  3. Tom Wark - May 28, 2016

    There seem to be folks with Google Searches along the lines of “Wine and Good”,

  4. DMilford - June 16, 2016

    This made me chuckle. I’m not sure that eating more cheese would make me happier though, probably fatter. But, drinking wine on a Friday evening after the kids are in bed, definitely makes mama feel better 🙂 The “evil” effects of alcohol are due to over consumption, everything in moderation, right? Plus, Jesus turned water into wine and it was enjoyed at a wedding.


  5. jarene - September 6, 2016

    Hi Tom, in your opinion what would be the best cheese and wine combination to create the ultimate happiness. we conduct lots of wine lessons and this will come in handy to spread happiness 🙂

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