Archive for the ‘Public Relations & Wine’ Category

Jan 11, 2005

“Let me re-phrase that…”

It’s pretty rare for a wine PR person to actually have damage control to do over an unfortunate statement a client or boss makes to the press. In fact, in 15 years of working in wine PR, I’ve never had such a situation arise. It’s not that I’m particularly great at prepping my clients well for meeting with the press. It’s just that there is very little a thinking vintner could say that would create too much of a stink….

Jan 6, 2005

Michel-Schlumberger: A Perfect Winery Website?

Winery Websites!  I browse through them regularly, looking for a new spin on an old tool. I’ve helped build a few too. I think the very best winery websites to the following, in order of importance: 1. Deliver important information in an easy to find way  2. Have a consistent and easy to follow navigation scheme  3. Contain all the information I would need to purchase a bottle  4. Is easy on the eyes All too often, you find sites…