Posts Tagged ‘wine review’
Mystery and Anticipation. Surely these two characters are the Imps of our soul. The constant dance they do at the outer edge of our thoughts is the jig that can lead to an outer life of searching and exploration, two pastimes that can lead to trouble as well as revelation. Nevertheless, it seems these two troublemakers cause more good than bad. Mystery is that circumstance of information and events that present questions needing answers. We tend to be drawn to…
With regard to the question of who wrote the beautiful and useful review in the previous post, of course it was Kermit Lynch, from his April 2006 newsletter. The newsletters sent by Kermit Lynch Wine Merchants are never bulky, but they are always extraordinarily readable for the simple reason that its clear each wine offered and written about in the letter is one he feels very strongly about, in one way or another. But as mentioned in the previous post,…
I write lots and lots of descriptions of wines for clients’ back labels and marketing materials. It’s marketing writing, but still it’s usually pretty straight forward stuff, the kind of thing you see in most wine reviews. I just wish I had the ability to write about wine like this:"The fruit here is not cherries or berries. this is rustic, earthy Pinot Noir. A good Savigny can bring to mind the song "Sweet Virginia," from Exile on Main Street, the…
I like to think of myself as a bit of a connoisseur of wine ratings and reviews. I’ve been observing them fairly closely now for almost two decades. And, I’ve been using them to help sell wine for clients. So, I’m always interested when I see a new rating system come before me, particularly one that offers added context to the wine. The Good Taste Report is a blog I came across recently. Its owner is out of Texas and…
I was thumbing through wine magazines looking for inspiration for wording to describe a couple wines that need describing in promotional materials and I started wondering: What is it like and what mind set over takes a person who writes reviews for a living? Imagine having to write review after review after review of different wines. It can’t be easy. How many ways are there to describe a wine? Well, I came across this review in one publication and I…