Archive for the ‘Culture and Wine’ Category

Mar 16, 2021

Do Un-Evolved Alcohol Laws Justify Lawbreaking?

I spent a good two and a half hours yesterday speaking to a nice sized collection of wine industry members about the Three-Tier System on the newish social media platform Clubhouse. In the Clubhouse room “The Business of Booze”, created and moderated by Bulgarian wine importer Robert Hayk of G & B Importers, upwards of 70 or so producers, importers, communicators, retailers and media undertook an examination of the predominant system of alcohol regulation in the United States. It was…

Mar 15, 2021

Will a Dollop of Gossip Help the Wine Industry?

After 30 years of work in a particular industry, one comes across some pretty interesting and titillating information. You witness and hear about a variety of incidents and circumstances that would provoke headshaking, surprise, shock and awe. The wine industry is no different. After years of working in this industry, I love I could relate the stories of: -The Sonoma winery owner who remains a gay man but still hides it by employing a strategy of dating an array of…

Mar 4, 2021

The Rules and Etiquette of #Wine and #SocialMedia

There is proper etiquette and there are good rules for those seeking to engage in #WineTwitter or any other form of social media when the wine person or people you are conversing with are not in front of your face. They are simple rules and simple etiquette and if you adhere to them you will stay safe and happy. 1. It’s just wine. 2. Never assume the worst first about a person. 3. Know to whom you are talking or…

Feb 24, 2021

The Plain Facts of Diversifying Wine Writing

Diversity and inclusion in the wine industry have been top of mind for some while now within the trade. And it seems appropriate that this topic has been frequently addressed by the industry’s communicators: media, writers, and reporters. Let’s state for clarity the obvious: There is no downside to a diverse contingent within the communications side of the wine industry. If you need proof of this, think back to the time when blogs emerged on the scene and there was…

Jan 24, 2021

Wine Companies and the Temptation to Speak Out on Divisive Issues

Do wine companies gain or lose by being vocal on social and political issues? I’ve had an opportunity to advise a number of clients on this question over the years. In almost every case when a divisive social or political issue has arisen it has been my advice that the company does not take a public stand. But I have either had to revisit my initial question above in the wake of 2020 when so often the question of race,…